Caterine López | Way Forward

Caterine López Triviño is the Founder & Creative Director of Way Forward, a fashion-forward design brand, which releases limited edition collections featuring art including handmade textiles and illustrations. The latest collection “Amor Fati” includes a special design by artist Natalia Swarz.

Where are you from and where do you live now?  I am from Bogota, Colombia and now live in New York City.

How did you decide to make the switch from finance to fashion and move to NYC?  There is an old adage that says “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Yet no one ever seems to have an answer for how one is to figure out what he or she loves. There is no prescription – no kitschy dogma to follow for that step. It is left up to the individual. And so, like many others, following my undergraduate studies, I embarked on a path of self-discovery trying to find that elusive panacea where my future would be a seamless labor of love. First, I followed in the footsteps of countless relatives who also sought to make a career in law. Then I spent 6 years at Colombia’s largest infrastructure private equity fund. I can honestly say that I was a good lawyer, and when you’re good at something, naturally, you enjoy doing it. My family was pleased. But through it all, I felt like something was missing. So, I started thinking – as people often do after celebrating the somewhat dreaded 30th anniversary of their birth – whether this was going to be my life. Whether I would remain in Colombia, continue practicing law, and perhaps one day run for regional or even international office.  During this bout of introspection, two thoughts came to my mind. One was from my childhood when I would try on my mother’s wardrobe, thinking that I was exquisitely stylish. The second was when I founded Noi-Vestidos, a wallet-friendly dress rental business with my mother. The resulting conclusion was that I have always been passionate about fashion, and I realized that this hobby could be my career path. Bravely, I decided to leave the rote day-to-day world of business law and I  moved to New York City to study Fashion Marketing at Parsons School of Design. This change opened hundreds of doors that would have not been opened had I stayed in law in Colombia. I had the good fortune of learning new things and networking with people from across the world, and most importantly, was inspired to launch Way Forward— a premium, casual apparel for day-to-day life featuring unique handcrafted creations of artists and designers. Way Forward has become my one true passion in life and I am so excited to share my story and designs.

How did you come up with the name for Way Forward?  I wanted to use a name that inspired people to not settle down and also something that reflects the philosophy of the brand. I knew that I was living what, for many others, is only a dream. I was studying fashion in one of the best universities, meeting people from various cultures, visiting the most beautiful museums and parks. But the joy I found in all these things vanished when I divorced my first love. I was still going through the motions, but it did not bring me the same happiness I felt before. But, then, one night, I watched “The Cruise,” where the main character, Timothy Levitch, a witty tour guide, who exuded such passion for NYC, stated, “I am equally in love with every aspect of my life and all the ingredients that have caused me turmoil and all the ingredients that have caused me glory.” This really struck a chord with me. Unlike Timothy, I had not embraced, let alone accepted the bad “ingredients that caused me turmoil” like my divorce. So I made an effort to adopt his outlook. I decided to value every bitter and every sweet moment equally, including my divorce, because all the events that happened in my life were necessary to weave together the fabric that makes me who I am. I could not afford to lose perspective and become blind to opportunity by dwelling on the negatives. Now, I embrace the misfortune, learn and become stronger from it. I must accept both the good and the bad alike, and push myself no matter what happens, this is a mantra that drives me. For that reason, the name of my brand is Way Forward, because I want people to never settle down, and decide to do everything in their power to do whatever they want to move their dreams forward— always forward never back.

What was your inspiration behind the Way Forward hoodie? I love street style, and for me, a hoodie is a must!

What do you miss most about Colombia?  My mother and arepas!

What is the first thing you do when you arrive home in Colombia?  Eat all the things that I don't eat in NYC and visit my friends.

Favorite Colombian fashion designer?  Johanna Ortiz 

Favorite Bars/Cafes/Restaurants? Cafe bar universal and Harry Sason.

Best Shopping/Favorite shops? El Retiro, Andino, Casa Pressi, San Dom, Calle de los Anticuarios.

Favorite natural park? Tairona


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