Marie Laffont
Marie Laffont is a French shoe designer based in New York City
Overall, art continues to inspire me. Attending art fairs and pondering galleries inspires form, fabrics, and colors. Even sharing friendships with artists and creatives. My Masters in art and mentors, including Pierre Hardy and Christian Louboutin, influenced me hugely as well.”
Where are you from and where do you live now? I am originally from Paris, France and I now live in Tribeca in New York City.
What is your earliest memory of art or design? When I was 3 years old I visited the Louvre for the first time with my mom and saw a painting of Picasso and it sparked the urge in me to draw and create art.
Who are some of your favorite artists and why? This is a difficult one, as I have many. I love Francisco de Zurbaran because of his vanity paintings. I love Pablo Picasso for his construction and opening of a new world inside the art he creates. John Giorgno, who is a poet I love, shows his poetry through art. And I admire the work of Salvador Marguerito and his ability to dream and create and show art through dreams. And Claire Tabouret who has the ability to show such strength through painting.
Who are some of your favorite designers and why? Nagashima who is a Japanese designer has the talent to bring beauty and transform it through nature and unusual objects.
Who or what inspires you in general? My mom was my biggest inspiration, but now my kids are my biggest inspiration. But, overall art continues to inspire me.
Why shoe design? What do you love about shoes? Getting my Masters from an incredible mentor, Pierre Hardy who was a fantastic teacher and taught me everything. Then later working for Louboutin for four years I learned to love all the details of making a shoe. The factory system, the fitting of shoes, corrections, and the true beauty of shoe work.
How does art/design inspire and inform your designs? Attending art fairs and pondering galleries inspires form, fabrics, colors. My Masters in art influenced me hugely. And even in sharing friendships with artists and creatives.
How was the Bateau Collection inspired by your childhood? The SS22 Bateau limited edition collection was inspired by Proust’s madeleine from Remembrance of Things Past, a French expression used to define tastes, smells, sounds, sensations, or a composition that create feelings of nostalgia and generally emotes childhood memories. The Bateau sneakers are a reflection of my childhood and have become my version of the madeleine. Wearing them transports me back to my childhood. They remain a popular shoe style in Cassis where I grew up. They are a style for all occasions, and now, when I wear my version of the popular model, I find myself reminiscing of Southern France– complete with the smell of fresh croissants in the morning, the taste of ice cream in the summer afternoon sun, and the sound of wet leather squeaking on a sailboat.
Who is your dream client? My dream clients are Madonna, Zendaya, and Simone Beauvoir who is a writer I love. But, the type of girl to buy my shoes is really anyone of any age, my shoes have no limit to who buys them.
Favorite spots in NYC and why? Lucien is the first one I can think of. All the creatives go there, so many artists are even discovered there today. I really can feel at home there, I always know someone when I go. Dr. Clark is another place I love in the city. Delicious food, the coolest crowd of people, and the best is the karaoke all night. Paris Blues is a jazz club in Harlem and it is really the perfect escape from the craziness of the city for a night. They have the best music. MoMa and the MET are two places I can lose myself to be able to feel emotion and become inspired. The Frick Collection is a place I cannot wait to reopen, it is somewhere where I can dream about New York.
Favorite stores in NYC/Paris and why? The Webster in SoHo has an amazing selection and atmosphere and almost a distinct, beautiful fragrance when you enter. Marlo Laz is a chic jewelry shop in the West Village, they have the best jewelry and the most fantastic designs. I also had a pop-up with them last December, which was a dream. Kith is the perfect modern and fresh selection. As for Paris, I love Merci and Le Bon Marche.
Favorite places in Paris and why? Cafe de Fleur has amazing fresh food, it is the best ever. You cannot go wrong finishing the night at Le Pere drinking a glass of champagne. And Le Petit Celestin has the best couscous.
Upcoming travel destinations and any dream destinations? South of France, Spain, and New York are all in my upcoming plans. But, my dream destination would have to be the North Pole, which sounds silly, but it is my dream to go.
What is your daily uniform and routine? My daily uniform is jeans, a simple but chic top, and a cute cardigan, with my shoes of course.
Do you have a favorite shoe style or one you wear the most? Frida and my newest Bateau are comfy and chic and perfect for all day, I would say I wear them the most. But, the GIGI is of course my go-to night-out shoe.
Where did the name for your signature shoe collection “Gigi” come from? The nickname of my mom was Gigi and since her passing, I have continued to use that nickname as my inspiration forever. The donation to BCRF is in honor of my mom and a cause near and dear to my heart.
What’s next for Marie Laffont? Currently, we are available at Merci Paris, but I hope to expand my company to all high-end retailers in the near future.
Anything else we should know? I am super excited for the new collections we have in the works that are coming soon. You will be able to continue to see the influence of art and my childhood shine through these coming collections. And of course the influence of the American way with my French touch.
What is your idea of perfect happiness? My family in good health.
What is your greatest fear? Losing someone I love.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Impatience.
What is the trait you most deplore in others? Vanity.
Which living person do you most admire? My husband.
What is your greatest extravagance? My first fashion show at an art gallery in New York.
What is your current state of mind? Work, work, work.
On what occasion do you lie? When I don’t have a choice.
What do you most dislike about your appearance? My size.
What is the quality you most like in a man? Courage.
What is the quality you most like in a woman? Humility.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “Small world.”
What or who is the greatest love of your life? My mom, my husband, my children, art.
When and where were you happiest? The south of France or New York.
Which talent would you most like to have? To sing.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? To be able to sing well.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? My brand and my kids.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? Louise Bourgeois.
Where would you most like to live? Where I do now, New York.
What is your most treasured possession? Family.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? My mom passing.
What is your favorite occupation? Artist.
What is your most marked characteristic? Funny.
What do you most value in your friends? Humility.
Who are your favorite writers? Austin Wells, Francois de Sagon, Bret Easton Ellis, Simone de Beauvoir.
Who is your hero of fiction? Peter Pan.
Which historical figure do you most identify with? Coco Chanel.
Who are your heroes in real life? Doctors.
What are your favorite names? Paul, Max, Gaspard, Louise.
What is it that you most dislike? Bad wine and cheese.
What is your greatest regret? My mom not seeing me grow up with my brand.
How would you like to die? Peacefully and at an old age.
What is your motto? Keep going.
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Text: Veronica H. Speck Photos: Nela Kekik