Chef Yannick Alléno
Chef Yannick Alléno at Pavillon Ledoyen in Paris. Photo by Goeffroy de Boismenu
Chef Yannick Alléno has been awarded 6 Michelin Stars througout his career, including Paris institutions Pavillon Ledoyen and L'Abysse as well as Le 1947 at Cheval Blanc in Courchevel. He has enthusiastically dedicated his life to his passion and is proud of his French cuisine, rich in tradition and ambitiously and creatively contemporary. His visionary approach to the culinary arts, blending knowledge and excellence with audacity, leads him to experiment endlessly, in order to find the purest, most quintessential flavours. He constantly pushes the boundaries with his curiosity and talent and has laid the foundations for a truly personal cooking style: modern cuisine.
Yannick Alléno spent his childhood in the kitchens of family-run bistros in Paris. At 15, his first job was at Le Royal Monceau in Paris under Gabriel Biscay; he then joined Sofitel Porte de Sèvres under Roland Durand, followed by Martial Enguehard. However, it was at Drouant, under Louis Grondard, where he found his maturity and determination. He consolidated his skills under the tutelage of this great chef, and proved himself in his wake, before taking his place as head chef in his own right when he was appointed to run the kitchens at Scribe. In 1999, he was awarded his first Michelin star, followed by a second in 2002. In 2003, he took over the iconic Le Meurice Hotel on Rue de Rivoli, and was awarded two Michelin stars the next year; followed by a third in 2007. In 2014, Alléno took over Pavillon Ledoyen in Paris, where he opened Alléno Paris, and seven months later, it was awarded three Michelin stars. In 2017, his restaurant Le 1947 at Cheval Blanc in Courchevel was rewarded with a third Michelin star. A supreme and historic distinction for the chef who from now on, holds two restaurants with three Michelin stars. Pavillon Ledoyen remains the most star-rated independent establishment in the world.
Today, we sit down with the Chef to learn about his daily uniform, last meal, and answers to the Proust Questionnaire.
Chef Yannick Alléno at Pavillon Ledoyen in Paris. Photo by Goeffroy de Boismenu
Where are you from originally and where do you live now? Je suis Parisien, je suis né à Puteaux une ville de proximité. I am Parisian, I was born in Puteaux, a nearby city.
Where did you learn to cook? J’ai appris à cuisiner pendant 40 a Paris. I have been learning to cook for 40 years in Paris.
When did you know you wanted to be a chef? A l’age de 8 ans je voulais déjà faire ce metier. Since the age of 8, I knew this would be my career.
What was your first scent or taste memory? Souvenir du poulet à la bouteille de ma grand-mère: raconter l’histoire. My Grandmother's Bottle Chicken.
Who were your mentors? Mes mentors: citer les 6 MOF. My mentors: the MOF (Meilleurs Ouvriers de France).
Who or what inspires you? Les 6 MOF, Tous m’ont forgés a devenir un grand chef, chacun sa pierre de fondation. The 6 MOF (Meilleurs Ouvriers de Frances). Each has forged me to become a great chef with their foundational stone.
What is your favorite city around the world for dining and food? Ma ville « apres paris » pour manger est Tokyo les lumières la vie nocturne y est incroyable. My favorite city, after Paris, to dine in is Tokyo— the lights and the nightlife are incredible.
You have been a Chef in hotels including Le Royal Monceau, Le Meurice, Cheval Blanc, and most recently the Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo amongst others. What are some of your favorite hotels to stay at around the world? Pour sejourner de façon privée j’ai un gros faible pour One and Only Los Cabos ou Four Season’s de Londres. I have a big weakness for One and Only Los Cabos or the Four Seasons in London.
Where do you dream of traveling next? J’aimerai aller en Polynésie avec ma femme et mes enfants pour partager un temps exeptionnel avec cet endroit encore assez pur. I would like to go to Polynesia with my wife and children, a destination I find to be exceptionally pure.
What is your daily uniform? Veste de cuisine et Hublot … what else? A Chef jacket and a Hublot watch. What else?
You have a show called “The Perfect Match” on Instagram with Moet Hennessy champagne. Do you have a preferred beverage or signature cocktail? J’aime le Manhattan en cocktail sinon le champagne est évidement mon vin préféré !! Dernière emotion: Moet 62. I love the Manhattan as a cocktail, otherwise champagne is obviously my favorite wine!! Last emotion: Moet 62
Do you listen to music while you cook? Favorite artists? Non je ne travaille pas en musique, si c’était le cas j’écouterai volontiers Indochine. No, I don't work with music playing, but if I did, I would gladly listen to Indochine.
Favorite museums, galleries, or artists that inspire you (besides your wife of course!)? Musée du Quai Branly pour art Africain, mes galeries favorites sont Kamel Meunnour et Galerie Creo. The Quai Branly Museum for African Art, and my favorite galleries are Kamel Meunnour and Creo Gallery.
What are you watching or reading at the moment? Serie sur Netflix Lucifer. A series on Netflix called Lucifer.
What would your last meal (or drink) be? Avant de partir j’aimerai manger une belle cote de bœuf avec un Haut Brion. Before leaving, I would like to eat a nice cote de bœuf with a glass of Haut Brion.
How did you celebrate earning your Michelin Stars? Je fête avec mes équipes et ma famille. I celebrated with my team and my family.
On what occasion do you lie? A la police (lol) To the police (kidding, of course)
What do you most dislike about your appearance? Mon ventre ☹ My stomach ☹
What is the quality you most like in a man? Sa part de féminité His feminine side
What is the quality you most like in a woman? Sa part masculine Her masculine side
What or who is the greatest love of your life? Ma femme My wife
When and where were you happiest? Je suis heureux dans mon époque, dans ma vie I am happy at this stage and time in my life
Which talent would you most like to have? Savoir chanter To know how to sing
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Mon âge My age
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Mes fils My sons
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? Je redeviendrai enfant et je me batterais pour l’égalité To be a child again, and fight for equality
Where would you most like to live? Ici à Paris et ma retraite en Italie Here in Paris and to retire in Italy
What is your most treasured possession? Ma santé My health
What is your favorite occupation? Visiter des églises Visitor of churches
What do you most value in your friends? Leur joie de vivre, leur amour de la cuisine Their joy of living, their love of food
What is it that you most dislike? Le durian (fruit d’Asie) Durian, an Asian fruit
What is your greatest regret? De ne pas voir plus mes parents To not see my parents anymore
How would you like to die? En dormant While sleeping
What is your motto? La devise des Alléno « un conseil est bon en tout temps » The Alléno motto "advice is good at all times"
Text: Veronica H. Speck